Todor & Petru is a totally off the wall piece of stop motion animation, blended with some in your face 2D graphics. It was created at CRCR by a team of Les Goblins students in two weeks as part of a stay at Wizz in Paris.
via redazril
I’m reliably informed by the interwebs that the same team was also responsible for this re-invention of Jesus.
CRCR, France, Les Gobelins, Stop Motion
About the Author / MarBelle
MarBelle has a strange compulsion to watch as many films as he can get his hands on and find jobs that give him a legitimate excuse to drill filmmakers about their work. Directors Notes is the multi-decade incarnation of this disorder and remains so much cheaper than film school.
What to Read Next...
Damn it! Was just about to post on this. Epic piece of animation.