Before the collaborative projects Psst Pass it on and Animation Tag Attack came Little Minx’s Exquisite Corpse series:
A distributive film series created by Little Minx & Idealogue based on the surrealist parlour game: The Exquisite Corpse. The Little Minx Exquisite Corpse features directors Laurent Briet, Chris Nelson, Malik Hassan Sayeed, Josh Miller, Phillip Van & Steph Green. Rules of the Game:Each director responds to the last line of text of the previous directors script and the Minx signifier only. Little Minx Exquisite Corpse is an extraordinary meeting ground of chance.
“and she stares longingly at what she has lost”
Read MarBelle’s Short of the Week Review
without missing a beat, she asks, “Waffles for breakfast?”
“she walked calmly disappearing into the darkness”
“she turns back and faces forward at peace”
“with the eyes of every man riveted upon her”