Painted on glass, chronologically and without the later use of layers or hard cuts, Michaela Müller’s utterly sublime animation Miramare, takes a look at life on the Mediterranean borders of Europe where tourists relax whilst illegal immigrants struggle for their day to day existence. Michaela cites the work of Alexandr Petrovs and Caroline Leaf as sources of inspiration, and with regards to the techniques used to create Miramare says:
“I chose a direct animation technique, paint on glass, without previous animation on paper. I worked on a light-table with lamps from below the glass. As colors I used guache, mixed with glycerol, so the color never dried up. The light from below pronounces the texture of the brush strokes. I captured the images with a digital photo camera (Minolta Hi7). For controlling the animation I had a video camera besides the photo camera, connected with the computer.”