Animation, Asides
A trio of characters bask in the sublime tritone animation style of Vincenzo Lodigiani for their final Sunset as he continues his ever inventive ▵●●
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As regular readers may have noticed once, twice or thrice before, I’m a real sucker for Vincenzo Lodigiani’s short blasts of motion graphic
You’re either running with them or away from them! New micro animation from Vincenzo Lodigiani.
Vincenzo Lodigiani’s Mon Rêve explores the theme of insomnia, and how sleep becomes an obsession to those deprived of it: “There is a kind of cult
What are the creative limits of manipulating a ▵●● logo? After working my way through Milan based motion designer Vincenzo Lodigiani’s Logo Shorts
Animation, Art & Fashion
The title of Milan based motion designer Vincenzo Lodigiani’s Tentacled Head Women Walks in the Darkness pretty much tells you all you need to know,
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