Today we have the pleasure of talking to director David Vegezzi about his excellent KCRW spots – Inner Level & Full Circle, along with how his graphic design background influences and shapes his film work whilst using of the best tools for the job.
KCRW – Inner Level (1999)
A woman’s search through an eclectic urban landscape in search of her utopia.A theatrical commercial for KCRW, ‘Inner Level’ follows a woman’s journey through the urban landscape of Los Angeles. Wearing a multi-channeled headset, she is tuned into the many eclectic and diverse sounds of KCRW which guides her through the city in search for her utopia.
KCRW – Full Circle (2005)
A theatrical promo for the independent radio station KCRW, the spot is a visual journey following a woman’s daydream. The interpretive images reflect the diversity and daily struggles of life while representing KCRW’s ability to reach their audience through its eclectic and diverse mix of programming.
Great site!,solid interviews.
It’s a pity that a small credit for my work (rough pencil boards for Mr.Vegezzi’s ‘Full circle’ bottom right sheet) wasn’t given,especially as i did them as a favour.
Oh well..such is the nature of the ‘Bizz’ so it seems.
Martin Mercer
Hi Martin,
Thanks for the kind words about the site. It’s a work in progress so hopefully we’ll just keep getting better with each show.
I think that the lack of credit is more of a fault of Directors Notes rather than David as I tend to have tunnel vision on the interviews towards the directors and rarely open up the conversation and showlinks to the many collaborators who make a film possible, so sorry for missing your credit.