
Today I’m joined by director Stathis Athanasiou who’s racked up an impressive list of films, including shorts and a couple features, one of which was based on Chekhov’s play The Three Sisters. His experimental piece LIEBESTOD – Four Acts, continues the theatre link, for which it was originally created as part of an experimental play based on Luigi Da Porto’s original telling of Romeo & Juliette.

LIEBESTOD-Four Acts (2007)

A story about coming together and moving apart.

2 Responses to DN036: LIEBESTOD-Four Acts – Stathis Athanasiou

  1. esotericsean says:

    Excellent podcast. It’s really hard to find good content on independent filmmaking like this!

    Would you mind if I ever mentioned your podcast on my videocast?

  2. MarBelle says:

    Glad you like the show. You’re right about the lack of indie filmmaking content, direct from the filmmakers, but I suppose that’s what keeps us in a job šŸ™‚

    Sure please do mention us, we want to spread the knowledge our guests have as far and wide as possible. I headed over to your site and it looks like you guys are serving the film community too. Good luck with the video podcast, I’m downloading them now so will let you know what I think.

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