Featuring ad spots under 5 minutes this category is for work created for, or commissioned to, highlight a brand. It can include commercial sequences, spots, title sequences, idents, digital posters and branded work specifically designed for multiplatform distribution including the internet and mobile networks.
Tobias Eiving & Ulrika Axen (collectively know as Koja) creators of the final spot, Earth Lovers, have tapped into the conscience of the Body Shop audience by creating an ad made to appeal to people who really care about the world we live in. With captions suggesting how “Earth Lovers” love to save the planet (travelling together, growing their own), a natural feeling palette and cute animal characters, Koja would appear to have recognised the key qualities of the Body Shop identity and translated them into elements of their film. However, Earth Lovers truly succeeds when you consider its methods of production, made from recycled materials, this stop motion seems to be the perfect calling card for a brand who rely on their Eco-friendly image.