Yes the title says it all, DN now has its own bonafide channel on the glorious home of filmmaking that is Vimeo (and as you can see we’re in mighty fine company). I suspect this news may well be met with cries of “About bloody time!” and “What do you mean you didn’t have one?”, which is a fair point – many thanks to Content + Community Manager Sam Morrill for the nudge.
As you may have noticed, a massive percentage of the films we feature here each day live over on Vimeo and our new channel will make it easy for you to catch up with the films that are impressing us; especially if you kick back, throw the WeAreDN Channel into Couch Mode and watch in lean back comfort. Think of it as a continually updated, DN curated festival.
So far there are 610 hand picked DN films for your viewing pleasure so jump over to subscribe and feel free to suggest future films or let us know your thoughts by leaving a message on our Shoutbox.