Presented as as part of Cartoon Brew’s Student Animation Festival (which also includes Evan Red Borja’s Otzi), Pest by Nooree Kim is a hilariously odd animation that focuses around a strange blue boy whose only goal in life seems to annoy others. Created as a 4th year film for her studies at Toronto’s Sheridan College, whilst Pest will surely be an audience favourite for its off-kilter humour, it’s also a beautifully realised piece of animation. Putting her focus on designing strong characters first and then developing a story around them, animator Kim uses a wide selection of Adobe’s Creative Suite products to create an intricate universe for her pesky protagonist to inhabit.
About the Author / Rob Munday
Obsessed with film, the internet and WordPress, Directors Notes is the place Rob gets to brings all his interests together and really geek out. When not writing for DN he can be found on Short of the Week or Vimeo.