Brighton based animation trio Persistent Peril teamed up with fellow filmmakers Mark Billington and Emma Wakley to create laugh-out loud music promo Fight For Everyone for The Leisure Society. Animated frame by frame in Adobe Flash with a few flourishes added in After Effects, it’s a colourful promo full of beautiful design with a fun and inventive concept at its heart. We spoke to Garth Jones from the Persistent Peril studio to discover how they developed the storyline and the limitations they set during the production:
“We really enjoy the track and felt that it had a fun dark tone. The structure of the track allowed us to create a time line, setting up and paying off little jokes. We love setting limitations and so kept to a reduced colour pallet to try and give the video a bold illustrative style which would be fun to animate. A few years ago we pitched a similar idea for a short film, in a completely different style, to the UK Film council. The pitch wasn’t a hit, but we loved some of ideas and once we decided on going down the ‘hand of god’ route for the video we looked back to this pitch for some of the gags. The idea of using touch screen style gestures just felt like a natural fit and gave us a fun limitation to play with”.