James is DN’s resident horror fan and is inspired by all academic, formal and Ethan Hawke-related aspects of filmmaking. When he isn’t writing for DN he finds himself running the horror blog Twelve Cabins and being sat on by his cat Peanut.
Michael Rees talks us through prioritising a chaotic tone over script-specific dialogue to great comic effect in his short film about a double-booked Airbnb.
Werner Vivier explains the use of a voyeuristic one-shot framing device to subtly examine the theme of racism in food culture in his awkward first date short.
Kyle Jon Shephard walks DN through the combination of practical and digital VFX behind the titular head in his frantically kinetic stress-fuelled short.
Stefan Hunt talks blending the rambunctious reality of Australian masculinity with the expressive qualities of dance in his boisterous choreographic short.
Tomas Kamphuis breaks down the free-flowing improvisational approach he used to delve into the African art scene through the eyes of four diverse artists.
Writer/Director Nicholas Payne Santos returns to DN and reveals why the visual effects had to be practical on his unnerving, grief-stricken horror short.
Michael Anthony Kratochvil extols the rewards of rejecting appeasement and embracing the creative instinct of the peculiar for his trippy sci-fi horror short.
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