Live Action
Throughout 2020 DN was fortunate enough to speak to some of the most talented filmmakers across the globe. Here are 20 of our favourite conversations.
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Live Action, Premiere
A trip to the pub edges quickly into the realm of the surreal in André Chocron's time-travel drama 'Chronos' — told entirely in only three long takes!
Asides, Music Video
André Chocron and London Grammar join forces for a mightily impressive video to accompany the group’s soulful cover of Kavinsky’s Nightcall.
Music Video
We’ve enjoyed watching André Chocron play with time for Mikhael Paskalev and track through strange situations for Cold Mailman. Now he plays with slow
Norwegian director André Chocron tracks through an impressively strange series of situations in My Recurring Dream for Cold Mailman.
Risky Business meets some pretty impressive time remapping trickery in André Chocron’s Red Epic shot promo for Mikhael Paskalev’s 'I Spy'.
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