Animation, Asides
A series of bizarre creations exist in an empty space in this oddly compelling piece of stop-motion from Bezalel Academy graduate Orit Oged.
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Animation, Documentary
Daphna Awadish reflects on the meaning of home amongst long-term immigrants in her Bezalel Academy animated documentary 'Journey Birds'.
As a man’s horse dies, he finds a replacement in a giant, naked beast of a man, in Yishay Shemesh’s Bezalel Academy final project 'Man & Beast'.
There is a certain confidence in Kazakh animator Anna Shevchenko’s Bor Sood that you don’t see very often in short films. Her film progresses at an
In their own words 'The Sleischers' is a "Short wacky animated trash film by Tim Razumovsky & Eyal Oren", and it's disturbingly wonderful!
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