Heartbreak Tag Archive

Live Action

A Desperate Romantic Is Prescribed a Rebound in Julie Magnaudet’s Conceptual Rom-Com ‘Broken Hearts’

Julie Magnaudet breaks down the colourful, warm and subversive visual language of her conceit-driven romantic comedy about a women seeking love life help.

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Live Action

How “Being Trapped in a Perpetual Dick Joke” Inspired Nick Roney’s SXSW Award Winning Short ‘The Flute’

Dir. Nick Roney returns to DN to discuss prosthetic skin flutes and taking inspiration from the classic monster movie for his unforgettable dark comedy.

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Live Action

A Lovesick Patient Enters Emotional Rehab in Elina Sahlin’s Surreal Drama ‘Department of Detachment’

Writer/Director Elina Sahlin discusses the Bergman-esque tone and dialogue she sought to evoke in her surreal love rehab drama 'Department of Detachment'.

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Live Action

Jordi Estrada Bids Farewell to Love in Lyrical Heartbreak Short ‘As We Die’

Jordi Estrada tells DN how he channeled heartbreak into a lyrical contemplation on love and loss in poetic breakup short 'As We Die'.

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Shahaf Ram Charts the Progression of a Broken Heart in the Sublimely Mournful ‘Separation’

Shahaf Ram takes DN through the creation of 'Separation', his sublimely realised mixed media expression of the emotional devastation caused by lost love.

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Live Action

Spend a Week in a Fast Food Joint with a Heartbroken Woman in Tamar Glezerman’s ‘Fill Your Heart with

Tamar Glezerman joins us to discuss the effects of non-stop digital communication, creating a fast food brand and the highs and lows of YouTube comments.

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Live Action

Jih-E Peng & Guy Pooles Capture the Pain of Early Heartbreak in ‘The Light and the Little Girl’

DoP Jih-E Peng joins us with director Guy Pooles to discuss how they went about capturing the ‘girl’s eye-view’ of burgeoning, delicate romance.

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