Fons Schiedon’s thrilling suspension of disbelief animated chase In a Forest sees a rabbit pursued through various realities, not all of them real.
Fons Schiedon, The Netherlands
About the Author / MarBelle
MarBelle has a strange compulsion to watch as many films as he can get his hands on and find jobs that give him a legitimate excuse to drill filmmakers about their work. Directors Notes is the multi-decade incarnation of this disorder and remains so much cheaper than film school.
I love this kind of thing (to get technical, it’s called ‘metalepsis’, and it’s when characters manage to leave or enter fictional worlds).
Perhaps would have been interesting to have something at the end to bring it all together a bit – but maybe the whole thing was just meant to be a simple exercise in toying with the limits of fiction and story telling. Either way, nice choice!
Cheers Benn, yeah I think ever seeing the Take On Me video as a kid I’ve loved these type of world hopping films.
I wrote my dissertation on this and I used Take On Me as my number one example of world hopping in film! Great music video.