Dreams Tag Archive

Music Video

Alexandre Richard’s Striking Mada Mada Music Video ‘NonNonNon’ Wanders Through a Dreamlike Journey of Apprehension

Alexandre Richard talks through the rich visual language and expressionistic sound design of his film about a man's dreamlike journey into his deepest fears.

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Live Action

Gabriel Caste’s ‘Are You Awake?’ Explores the Debilitating Nature of Existential Dread Lurking in Our Subconscious

Gabriel Caste tells DN about drawing viewers into his psychological thriller probing the dread of existence which can throw us into a depressive cycle.

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Animation, Documentary

Henna Välkky & Eesu Lehtola Create a Collective Subconscious With Animated Doc ‘We are in a Dream’

Co-Directors Henna Välkky and Eesu Lehtola tell DN how they sought to visually evoke the sensibility of dreams for their animated documentary.

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Live Action

Léo Berne & Raphaël Rodriguez Force Us to Consider the Darkest of a Suppressed Subconscious in ‘Censor of Dreams’

Léo Berne & Raphaël Rodriguez reveal how they adapted a surreal short story into a universal exploration of our suppressed psyches.

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Live Action

Marc Grey Searches the Space Between Sleep & Wakefulness in 'Night Before The Morning Sun'

Director Marc Grey takes us through the challenges of producing a film centred on the nebulous and often counter-narrative logic of dreams and memory in his

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