On a wintry Vienna night a newborn baby hangs in the balance of being wanted and being abandoned by two desperate couples in Christoph Kuschnig’s award winning short Hatch. Christoph joins us to discuss the challenges of directing a short whose schedule was dictated by its newborn actors and why characters don’t need to be likeable to be compelling.
Hatch (2012)
Hatch follows two couples and the wrenching decisions they each must make on a wintry Vienna night. Milo and Biljana, illegal immigrants seeking opportunity, must acknowledge that they cannot raise their newborn and hope to achieve their own youthful dreams at the same time. Across town an older and more stable, couple desperately want to welcome a child into their lives. Decisions borne of desperation by both couples cause their lives to briefly cross and engender parallel feelings of angst and frustration as each accepts the harsh reality of what is simply, and unreasonably, not possible.
I like it when my material polarizes the audience, it gives them something to talk about.
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