Depicting the true accounts of inseparable brothers Elmer and Erik as they attempt to escape the wrath of their headmaster’s unrelenting tyranny, Jesper W Nielsen’s The Day Will Come brings us a painfully honest depiction of the boys’ lives in a 1960s Copenhagen orphanage. I was lucky enough to sit down with the sagacious Jesper at the London Film Festival, who spoke to me about translating the disturbing reality of institutional abuse into his harrowing new feature.
The Day Will Come (Der kommer en dag) (2016)
Inspired by true events and set in the blooming 1960s, The Day Will Come centers around two young brothers who are instantly robbed of their lives when they are placed in a boy’s home forgotten by time. Armed only with a vivid imagination and a fickle hope, the boys engage in the frightening battle against Headmaster Heck and his lethal tyranny.
I didn’t want to make a film about victims, I wanted to make a film about how people react under repression – the secret powers we have as human beings to survive these circumstances.
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There is far too much background noise on this podcast. What a shame! I would’ve loved this interview if listening to it hadn’t given me a headache.
Sorry, the recording spoilt your enjoyment of the interview – sometimes conditions are far from ideal when having to improvise recording situations during the heat of a film festival. Hopefully, you’ll find some of our many other episodes more listenable and informative.
I saw this movie yesterday and and I cried for the thousands of children who have endured and still endure the physical and mental torture of deranged individuals. No matter how old I get, no matter how many stories such as these and those we hear and read every day of similar atrocities, it always stuns me how cruel people can be.
As for the actors… WOW. I have seen quite a few children actors who have impressed me by the acting skills but none such as the two boys. They completely blew me away with their talent. All the actors were exceptional. An excellent movie but a very painful one.
I totally agree. All the actors were excellent. We need true stories like this to come out in order to stop these abuses. I thought schools like this were only in the 1800’s. Now I wonder If it’s still going on somewhere. I hope not. I hope this movie wakes those people up who inspect places that house children it’s a great film with an amazing director and staff.
I saw this movie yesterday and was very deeply touched by all the pain these children went throught while under the care of these “monsters”. A great movie, no doubt about it! Excellent actors and the two boys, what a great performance!
I watched this last night. Stunning acting by all the cast, especially the characters Erik & Elmer. Harrowing to watch but we know these stories need to be told to stop these atrocities happening. My heart was urging the boys to speak out at the end, they all found the strength from Erik, Elmer & each other. Bravo for a magnificent piece of film making.
Thank you for your comment. Yes, a tragic but important story told very well by Jesper W Nielsen. Jesper is also a lovely man in person, it was a pleasure to interview him.
What happens to the headmasters and teachers after things like this??is there any justice for boys like this? Any retribution?bonnie
Excellent movie. It reminds me that the silent majority who don’t right the wrong is more “frightening” than the offenders. The movie is about the 60s. But it is still happening in the iPhone era. How I know? Well, again through movies documentaries. So, speak up when something is awfully wrong.
Horrendous. I was sexually abused by a peadofile for nine years. I am now 62 and am tormented every day. I plucked up enormous courage to go to the authorities where he was sentenced to nine years in prison, I got life.
The film was painful to watch and unfortunately it still goes on today.
I’m so sorry.
And, I know; it is life.
There’s is no punishment enough for these hateful monsters and the silent watchers.