Berlin-based Animator/Illustrator Robert Löbel makes any bad hair day problems you may have experienced pale into insignificance with the conjoined follicle challenges of the pair at the centre of his new short Link as they traverse mountains, become entangled in trees and have to contend with an inquisitive goat. We’ve admired Robert’s uncanny ability to create worlds which meticulously adhere to the logic of their off-kilter premises ever since seeing his blustery 2013 grad short Wind and thankfully with his third short Island currently on the festival circuit we won’t have to wait 5 years again to experience another of his wonderous worlds.
About the Author / MarBelle
MarBelle has a strange compulsion to watch as many films as he can get his hands on and find jobs that give him a legitimate excuse to drill filmmakers about their work. Directors Notes is the multi-decade incarnation of this disorder and remains so much cheaper than film school.