Fragments, a post-apocalyptic mood piece from Monika Delgado and Mickey Todiwala is a non-narrative short that captures the beauty and mystery of several desolated spaces. The film was created as a senior thesis project for Montclair State University’s film program, with the team taking a week long trip into the heart of California’s Death Valley, stopping in at some of the surrounding ghost towns along the way. The pair combined a glidetrack, Zeiss CP2 Primes and a Canon 5d MKII to capture their eerie scenes of forgotten decay, which combine with Jacaszek’s Lament for an inexplicably unnerving viewing experience.
Experimental, Mickey Todiwala, Monika Delgado, USA
About the Author / MarBelle
MarBelle has a strange compulsion to watch as many films as he can get his hands on and find jobs that give him a legitimate excuse to drill filmmakers about their work. Directors Notes is the multi-decade incarnation of this disorder and remains so much cheaper than film school.