Earlier this year Nicolas Dedecker and Arnaud Petit aka TheDeck&Lenitch took us behind the closed doors of FRED et marie’s abusive relationship for Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. The directing duo return to the couple once more in Marie et Fred and while we witness Marie’s compulsion to return to the man who has reduced her to a frighten shadow of the woman she should be, even as he peppers declarations of love with violent outbursts, this time there’s light at the end of the tunnel in this powerful piece of filmmaking.
Arnaud Petit, Belgium, Drama, France, Nicolas Dedecker, Short Film, TheDeck&Lenitch
About the Author / MarBelle
MarBelle has a strange compulsion to watch as many films as he can get his hands on and find jobs that give him a legitimate excuse to drill filmmakers about their work. Directors Notes is the multi-decade incarnation of this disorder and remains so much cheaper than film school.