I’m sucker for a well made fan animation; be it Wolverine Vs The Hand, The Walking Dead Opening Titles or Evil Dead: An Animated Tribute. However, whilst my appreciation of these ‘unofficial’ tributes usually evaluates them from the informed perspective of a fellow fan, Adam Condal’s trailer for Cullen Bunn & Brian Hurtt’s The Sixth Gun comic worked its magic by enthusing my interest in a series which had slipped under my radar. Passing on his addiction seems to have been Condal’s (successful) goal:

The Sixth Gun is an ongoing comic book series that takes place shortly after the civil war. It’s a compilation of a few genres – at its core, it’s a western – but is infused with some sci-fi and horror elements as well. The artwork is fantastic and the story is badass – I was reading it on the Comixology app for iPad – it’s really cool, you kinda scroll through the comic frame by frame and it animates all the transitions in between.

I thought it would be fun to create a trailer for the series in that vein. And it was. Nice little side project.


11 Responses to The Sixth Gun Trailer

  1. David says:

    great video! I’m going to have to go ahead and reread the comics again after that.

  2. Zach says:

    You bastard. I clicked on that video from the kickstarter, was all ‘meh, supernatural western, didn’t they do that in Deadlands? Pshaw, I say, pshaw!’ Then by the end of the video I was all “Now where do I give them money for this fine RPG based on this fine looking story?” Now it seems I have a new graphic novel series to add to my small and exclusively snootily elite list.

    Pshaw y’basterd!

  3. Duder NME says:

    You magnificent bastich. Just tell me where to throw my wallet.

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