A man finds himself transformed into digital form by means of a dark and weird cyber-ritual between physical and virtual worlds in Loïc Foulon’s glitch filled journey of disintegration and rebirth, A Glimpse of Heaven. The film was shot over 5 days in in Lyon, France on a Sony FS7 and its low budget allowed for a more organic approach to production as Loïc explains:
“Since there was no money involved other than mine and we were a very small crew (6 persons max a day), I could afford to improvise and experiment a lot of things on the set and during post production. I tried to be as free as possible, so that the film would be surprising enough, even for me. The structure of the film came during the editing, as nothing was really planned. Several visual effects were not intended originally. So post-production took a bit of time (several months), but it was very satisfying from a creative point of view.”