Animation, Music
Marek Partyš walks DN through the extensive planning required to achieve the light and playfully surreal collage style of his Island Mint music video.
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Live Action
Wolfberg talk to DN about the technical challenges of recreating multiple major historical events for their epic museum film 'Bright and Beautiful'.
Art & Fashion
Jordan Blady explains how he deployed old-fashioned lifts, mirrors and shadows to skirt the line between hope and menace in visual poem 'Somebody'.
Stefano Ottaviano walks DN through the euphoric feeling of self-actualisation that underpins his music video for Diplo's anthemic 'One By One'.
Music, Premiere
Inspired by the El Gordo lottery, Jara Moravec's ethereal 16mm music video 'Leon' sees a mysterious woman offload her wealth in an isolated town.
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